Max Brenner
is not presently certified as Kosher
Tevilas Keilim
The Beis Yosef understands that eating utensils bought from a Gentile as merchandise for trade, which are then onsold to a Jew as eating utensils, do not require Tevilah.
ב"י, יו"ד סי' קכ על סעי' ח, בשם רבו מהר"י בירב, והביאו הט"ז שם ס"ק י Rabbi Kluger understands this includes eating utensils used in a food business; they do not require Tevilah. ר' שלמה קלוגר בשו"ת טוב טעם ודעת [מהדורה תליתאה ח'] הרחיב היתר The obligation to Tovel eating utensils in a Mikveh applies only to utensils owned by a Gentile which are used as eating utensils that pass to Jewish ownership to be used as eating utensils. The Darchei Teshuvah thus explains the common practice of Jews eating and drinking in the restaurants operated by Jews who do not Tovel the dishes. They do not require Tevilah because they are not eating utensils but business tools. יו"ד סי' קכ ס"ק יג וס"ק ע, על פי שו"ת שבט סופר, ח"ב סי' סז |
Unimpeachable, Full Time, Kosher security is the standard for all products and services available at Max Brenner Australia. Rabbi Rabi has visited Max Brenner's manufacturing facility and Chocolate Bars.
"Kosher VeYosher" has investigated and provided guidance to the suppliers, processors and processes, and the systems employed to operate the Max Brenner Chocolate Bars. These are documented in precise steps and are universally maintained and monitored in all Max Brenner chocolate bars. This ensures that they fully comply with Halachah, ensuring that Kosher consumers are assured of great food of unquestionable Kashrut. Max Brenner is centrally run like many, perhaps even all franchises. For monitoring and maintaining Kashrus this is ideal. We have absolute unfettered access to the stores and the suppliers' production facilities where all the components on the menu are produced. It also means we have absolute control over every single component in all the shops because everything is centrally monitored. There is comprehensive ongoing monitoring of each Max Brenner Chocolate Bar. This is the best Full Time Kosher Supervision [FTKS] we monitor each item of production and each item on the menu. FTKS makes it impossible to modify any ingredient or component without leaving tracks of imbalances that will certainly be exposed at the regular business and Kosher audits. For example, a student of mine worked in a Pizza Hut franchise whose owner decided to purchase cheaper pineapple pieces from the local supermarket. Within a very short time an auditor turned up and enquired about the imbalance of the pineapple for the number of those type pizzas sold. All transactions are on the register and all are computed and calculated to the most exacting degree. Even if a shop runs short [which never happens because of the computer tracking of products and ingredients] of a particular component, they will not, they can not bring in a substitute. The protocols and the checks and balances of their business operations and the penalties do not permit this. This is the basic outline that governs the Kashrus protocols for all factories and food processors. Shabbos A Yid may not perform Melacha during Shabbos and Yom Tov. It is our fervent hope that ביום ההוא יהיה ה' אחד ושמו אחד and all Yidden will honour Shabbos and express their loyalty to and adoration of HKBH in a full and resonant voice. However, whilst we live in times when this is not yet a reality, we remain devoted to provide within the boundaries of Halachah, a full Kosher service even from those who are not yet Shomer Shabbos. Enjoying a Saturday night out at a Max Brenner is a very Kosher experience. Food cooked on Shabbos does not become non-Kosher. Nevertheless, we are not permitted to instruct, directly or indirectly, a Gentile, to do on Shabbos what we are not permitted to do ourselves. So, we may not instruct the cleaners, just before Shabbos begins, that we want our suit ready immediately after Shabbos concludes - that is tantamount to instructing that work be performed during Shabbos. Similarly, we may not instruct a party planner and/or caterer to have a function ready immediately at the conclusion of Shabbos, if this requires preparations that we are not permitted to perform be made whilst it is still Shabbos. It makes no difference if this arrangement is made with a Gentile or a Jew who is not Shomer Shabbos. Our main objective is to ensure that those who prefer to eat Kosher, and many who are not Shomer Shabbos do prefer to eat Kosher, will have easy access to Kosher, even during Shabbos. see this article for more detailed information about foods cooked during Shabbos see this article for more information re use of cameras for Kosher certification Hashgacha The very best supervision is one that is active at all times and leaves no opportunity for substitutions. By having full unhindered access to all the computer run ordering and delivery and distribution records, we maintain constant vigilance on every food item and ingredient that is handled and processed by Max Brenner. Besides this constant electronic oversight over all ingredients and products at the manufacturing plant and also at the franchises, each franchise is monitored on a regular basis by company supervisors who ensure the standards for food status, presentation, hygiene, customer service and friendliness is maintained. Additionally our Mashgichim can enter at any time any franchise or head office to verify the integrity of our standards. Bishul Yisrael Not all foods are subject to the laws of Bishul Yisrael. Firstly, it does not apply to cakes and pastries [although a different version applies to bread] Secondly, any foods that are edible without cooking, are not restricted by Bishul Yisrael. Thirdly, any food that is not served at a banquet, as a main component, to impress important guests, is not restricted by Bishul Yisrael. The foods served at Max Brenner are therefore not subject to the restrictions of Bishul Yisrael. see this article for more detailed information Tevilas Keilim see this article for more detailed information Not all utensils require Tevilah. The material they are made from, their purpose, and ownership must all meet certain criteria before they require Tevilah. We will focus in particular on the purpose, the designation of the utensils that require Tevilah. Food utensils do not require Tevilah, eating utensils do require Tevilah. Eating utensils that are presently owned by a Jew and were previously owned and designated as eating utensils by a Gentile, require Tevilah in a Mikveh. Even if Max Brenner, a Jewish owned business, owned the utensils in their stores, they would not require Tevilah because they are not, as far as Halacha is concerned, eating utensils, they are business utensils. Let's consider the bottles in which Kedem and Carmel for example, pack and sell their wine; if those bottles are manufactured by a Gentile, do they require Tevialh before they are filled? And when we get home with these foods must they be immediately emptied lest we leave the food in what is now an eating utensil? |