A Most Remarkable Endorsement
HaRav Pinchus L Padwa, senior Dayan with the Belz International Beis Din and Belz Kosher authority, enjoying Rabbi Rabi's Australian Ben PeKuAh beef. |
Rabbi Shlomo Rudzki instructed Rabbi Rabi to direct his Kosher Certificate.
Rabbi Rudzki, Musmach of the famed Lomza Yeshivah, was the First Chief Minister of the South Caulfield Hebrew Congregation and was one of the first Rabbis in Australia to organise Kashrus for the community. His legacy and vision lives on in Kosher VeYosher, the new face of Australia’s oldest continuously functioning Kosher Certifying Agency. |
Rabbi Rabi is the only rabbi in Australia to be published in prestigious international Torah journals. His deep insightful and original analysis re Ben PeKuAh [BP] has caught the attention of not only the academic Lomdishe Torah world but its practical value has also seized the world of Halacha. This topic which has lain dormant for centuries, remaining an enigma due to its extremely surprising even confronting regulations and laws has been explained in an elegant original analysis by Rabbi Rabi that re-frames the BP to resolve all its many enigmas. |
Rabbi Rabi is not just a rabbi of thoughts and words, he is also the force behind the initiative that is now cultivating herds of BP thereby promising the finest hind-quarter cuts, the highest Kosher standards, the most reliable Kosher integrity employing cutting edge DNA technology and a world's first in Kashrus - independent oversight by specialist government monitored and approved auditors. This is truly representative of Kosher VeYosher, true to Halacha without prejudice. |
Rabbi Rabi - ^ the only Australian rabbi whose papers are published in prestigious international journals Zomet, Israel's premier institute bridging Jewish ancient traditions and rituals, with modern technology. ^ in Tchumin, a most highly regarded international academic publications ^ his articles have generated a massive response. ^ The OU, a gigantic Jewish community organisation, published an article addressing Rabbi Rabi’s ideas, here [article 21] Rabbi Rabi* broadcast on a widely syndicated American radio show here * certified the State Dinner presented by Australia's Governor General honouring the visiting President of Israel here * commended by ** the London Beth Din, Ecclesiastic Court of the Chief Rabbi of the British Commonwealth here, and ** Rabbi Dr. Shalom Coleman, Honorary Life President of the Rabbis of Australasia (ORA) here * is in communication with leading international Rabbinic authorities expert in the intricacies of Kosher Law, here * is uniquely honoured by having written communications from and direct verbal discussions with, one of the world's most senior and highly respected rabbis, Rabbi Ch Kanievsky. * is uniquely endorsed by the highly respected Rabbi P L Padwa promoting Rabbi Rabi's Kosher meat, by being recorded eating it, here * and to understand the significance of this, one must appreciate that Rabbi Padwa relies on very few rabbis' certification for Kosher meat; indeed he would not eat Kosher meat certified by any Australian rabbi other than Rabbi Rabi. |
This vision promotes the benefits that can only be accrued through competing Kosher authorities and also ensures that the needs of the broadest possible community is served. Rabbi Rabi, who is honoured by a rare and warm commendation of the London Beth Din, has remained true to and honoured Rabbi Rudzki's ambitions and dreams. Kosher VeYosher is not just a name: it is a theme. Kosher means “acceptable and proper”, Yosher means “straight”. Kosher VeYosher is an old Yiddish expression meaning “above board, exemplary and absolutely trustworthy”. Rabbi Rabi has devoted his years to learning and teaching our time honoured traditions, Talmud and Halachic Authorities in the traditional Lithuanian fashion. He continues his dedication to learning and teaching; learning 5 hours 6 mornings every week in Melbourne's premier Kollel located in an ultra-orthodox community not more than 5 minutes walk from his home. He has lectured for many decades almost every evening of the week. He is regularly in discussions with international Rabbanim on a wide array of Talmudic and Halachic matters. He has generously and humbly contributed to the entire spectrum of orthodox Jewish communities and organisations in Melbourne, having lectured, presented Shiurim and befriended so many from all backgrounds and ages. Rabbi Rabi is equally at ease and enthusiastic when presenting “basics” or sophisticated Pilpulim to advanced scholars. Melbourne Rabbinic Associations Rabbi Rabi has been privileged to enjoy a very close and warm relationship with some of the most senior and sage Rabbonim in Melbourne including for some years, a regular weekly private learning session with Rabbi Zalman Serebryanski OBM in his home. He also shared many private hours in discussion and learning with Rabbi Boruch Abaranok OBM, and delivered his regular daily Shiur during Rabbi Abaranok's absence. |