Ben PeKuAh
HaRav P. L. Padwa enjoying our Australian Ben PeKuAh beef, Kiryat Gat, Israel
Ben PeKuAh is: - analysed and defined in the Gemara [Talmud Chullin Ch 4] - documented without exception in all Ritual Halachic Codes, - recognised by all Halachic authorities but has been in hibernation for over 1,000 years, until recently re-introduced through the unstinting efforts of Rabbi Meir G Rabi. HaRav Hai ben Sherira, Gaon of the Talmudic academy of Pumbedita, Iraq, and his father, cultivated Ben PeKuAh herds, in order to feed them to the guests at communal festivities. |
Halacha defines Ben PeKuAh as a special animal breed that although indistinguishable from ordinary animals; cows, sheep, goats and deer etc. is nevertheless unlike ordinary animals. Ben PeKuAh, unlike ordinary animals, does not have the prohibited, and difficult and expensive to remove, Cheilev fats and Gid, sciatic nerve. Furthermore, Ben PeKuAh, unlike ordinary animals, is not disqualified by Tereifot, ritually damaged internal organs. |