What We Do
We are a successful, visionary, innovative organisation that has re-shaped the landscape and the Kosher community's perspective of Kosher. But that is not enough, we want to educate and inspire all Kosher consumers to be smart and knowledgeable.
I was again asked [it pops up every so often] - How come other Kashrut authorities can't, don't or wont do the things you do? This is a wonderful question because it discloses so much about those who ask it and creates great opportunities to open valuable dialogue. Should not the question be put to those who do not employ such arrangements? especially when eminent Poskim such as Reb Moshe Feinstein endorse and suggest such arrangements? Anyway, for what it is worth, here is what I suspect - selling is an art-form. And selling Kashrus is a rarefied, the most difficult art-form. Sure a small time manufacturer will be attracted to the potential of a thousand new customers. But how do you sell Kashrus to the national brands for whom another 5000 customers does not even register as a blip on their sales radar? And this is where we have excelled. I will not disclose those secrets but you can see where I am headed - just because someone has a great product, which may be in some respects, superior to a competitor's product, does not mean that they have a superior service, style, communication, personality and professionalism which plays a far bigger role in successfully selling the product or service. It was with the announcement [March 2015] that we Kosher certify a very large range of famous Australian Cheeses that this question came up a number of times. Cheese requires special manufacturing as per the decree of our Sages. The precise nature of the decree is debated between the Taz, who understands it is similar to the decree on milk - that it requires monitoring; and the Shach who explains it is similar to the decree of Bishul Yisrael - that it requires Jewish participation in its manufacture. All cheeses we certify as Kosher, meet the stricter standard of the Shach. I encourage all to investigate these laws, and to know more about the details of Kashrut Halacha. |