Let's read the following and have a little think about what is actually being said.
http://www.oukosher.org/index.php/articles/single/5687/ Carmine, or carminic acid, is a natural organic dye made from the dried bodies of female insects called Coccus Cacti which live on cactus plants. It is one of the oldest known natural dyes. Most of the major kashrus agencies accept the psak halacha that carmine is not kosher.(Min”Yitzchok, 3, 96). [This is very interesting because the response of the BeMarEh HaBazak [who Paskens for BeMareh HaBazak; see translation, see original footnote 1] also quoted the Minchas Yitzchok but to support the opposite view, that Carmine is Kosher.] http://www.kosher.org.au/FAQ.htm Carmine/cochineal are [sic] not permitted in products certified by most responsible authorities.
We ought to make a couple of simple observations. Firstly; this statement concedes that there are some “responsible authorities” who permit the use of Carmine.
Secondly; let us ask a couple of questions.
1 What criteria determine if an authority is a “responsible authority”?
2 Who determines these criteria?
3 Are these criteria applied equally to all authorities?
4 How could it be that some “responsible authorities” authorise Carmine, whilst other “responsible authorities” will not?
5 Does permitting Carmine make the authority irresponsible?
6 What is the rational of those authorities that prohibit the use of Carmine?
7 Is this a Halachic determination or are other considerations at work?
8 What type of things do the “irresponsible authorities” permit?
9 Who made the count of “responsible authorities” that permit and prohibit, and which are in the majority?
10 Is there a list of “responsible authorities” and “irresponsible authorities”?