More Kosher Information from the London Beth Din
London Beth Din: Fruit Juice & Soft Drinks. Pasta, Toothpaste & Mouthwash
The London Beth Din permits all juices and soft drinks, unless they contain grape juice or any of the E-numbers listed on the left side-bar. London Beth Din warns that "Fruit Extract" may include grape and that Smoothies may contain grape juice. [This does not appear to be the case in Australia] LBD also warns that even juices that do not contain grape juice may be at risk due to shared use of equipment. |
All plain dried pasta, including pasta containing egg is permitted. Pasta which is coloured and flavoured with vegetable extracts such as spinach or tomato is also permitted. However, some black pastas are coloured using squid ink which is not kosher; these should obviously not be eaten. |
Use of whey derived from animal rennet in Masterfoods confectionery.
Whey can be a by product of cheese made with animal rennet. However such whey contains only trace amounts of rennet and is therefore permitted. |
Toothpaste & Mouthwash
All toothpastes and mouth washes are permitted since they are not eaten. Even if one was to swallow a small amount, this would not be considered the normal way of eating. |
[Kosher VeYosher maintains that some of these concerns are misplaced: Smoothies from juice bars are made fresh, without added juices and without heat. Sharp tasting ingredients are not used. Even if grapes are included in the mix, there is no Kashrut concern since the juice and pulp are not separated. Until the juice is removed from the pulp, the Halacha does not consider the juice something to be prohibited.There is also no risk to Kashrut due to shared equipment.] from the Star K website: Torah law prohibits eating non-kosher food. One may, however, derive benefit from non-kosher food. Therefore, we may use non-kosher cosmetics, provided they are not manufactured from meat cooked with milk. One may apply non-kosher ingredients to one's lips (e.g. lipstick, lip balm) even though traces of it may be inadvertently swallowed when eating; it is