who Paskens The Halachic response below is taken from the very popular books, “BeMarEh HaBazak”. These volumes are a collection of the Halachic queries made from all over the world to a panel in E Israel comprised of the most eminent scholars.
The title which can be roughly translated to – "Like a Flash of Lightning" - reflects the electronic manner in which these queries were sent to the panel. who Paskens for BeMareh HaBazak
BeMAREH HaBAZAK Vol 1 46see original Kashrus of products derived from human hair?
Hair is not food and therefore the question has no meaning. The Laws of Kosher are relevant only to those substances that are deemed a food by normal standards. This remains true even if through various processes valuable products that are used as adjuncts to, or actual foods, can be extracted from it.
Rabbi Chayim Ozer Grodzenski permits non-K foods that were only temporarily rendered inedible and subsequently restored to a food. [AchiEzer YD 11; Temurah 31a]
Not only a non-food like hair, but even regular food can have its identity obliterated. Non-Kosher foods that are significantly denatured in their processing to be reformulated as a different food are deemed by the Halacha to be a new entity that have no association with their original non-Kosher source. [RADVAZ quoted by Darkey TeShuvah YD 79]