We present in this section an array of essays probing the intricacies of various Halachos. Some of these are better suited for the uninitiated but every article is designed to offer new information and perspectives for all readers. Every article offers an email link to Rabbi Meir G Rabi identifying that particular article; your observations and suggestions are welcome.
Knowing Torah Everyone should have an understanding of all the laws that govern our lives as Gd’s Chosen People. To be quite honest we need to have an understanding not only of those laws that govern our lives but even of those that have no application whatsoever to our lives. This is the commandment to learn Gd’s Torah and as the Talmud says, “Just learn it, examine it and analyse it for which you will receive reward.” What that reward is and why we should invest so much effort into something that has zero practical value is not elaborated by the Talmud.
More Than Just The Final Ruling This matter is however pondered and analysed by many rabbis. They suggest that we often feel that in order to serve Gd we need only know the final ruling and never mind all the discussion, debate and hair splitting. We do not understand why Gd gave Moses a document that is so vague and requires endless interpretation and engages in eternal debate. Would it not have been easier to give His Chosen Nation a “Brief Code of Jewish Law”? We would without doubt find that easier to follow and thereby pledge our allegiance to Gd.
Gd’s Intent It is fairly obvious that in fact Gd’s intention was not that we should simply be subservient obedient servants to His commands but that we should be actively engaged in understanding and developing His Torah. Indeed, one of the most remarkable observations made by Our Sages is that when delving into and analysing Gd's Torah, we become partners with Gd in the act of creation. It is not just the Torah that we actively participate in and into which we inject our understanding and perspectives, it is the very creation of this vast universe whose purpose is to be the stage upon which the Torah and honourable life is to be explored that we become builders of and responsible for.