Floridia Cheese
Here is the background to explain why Kosher hard cheese is not so readily available. Cheese, specifically "hard" cheese is subject to a decree made by our Sages OBM. In order for cheese to be Kosher, not only must its ingredients be Kosher but its manufacturing process must be Kosher. This means we must satisfy the requirements put in place by our Sages OBM, that the cheese is manufactured with Kosher [Jewish] participation. Kosher participation means that the Mashgiach must add the rennet and starter cultures to the milk. This is easier said than done. It inconvenient for the Mashgiach to be at the cheese-making plant at the right time. Furthermore, the cheesemakers on the whole, resent being subject to the commanding presence of the Mashgiach. Floridia have chosen to comply with our strict standards and have been outstanding in their adherence to our guidelines. |